Devoured By Lions

the eternal struggle to tame complexity

Ruby-oci8 on Fedora X86_64

  • oracle-instantclient-basic-
  • oracle-instantclient-devel-
Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH so compile can find Oracle libs. Double check the path here actually reflects the version of packages you downloaded: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/

Install ruby-oci8 gem: gem install ruby-oci8 (or via bundler)

With luck ruby-oc8 will build.

Tell SELinux that these libs can have an executable stack: (see:
  • sudo /usr/bin/execstack -c /usr/lib/oracle/
  • sudo /usr/bin/execstack -c /usr/lib/oracle/
Test it:

require ‘dbi’
require ‘oci8’
dbh = DBI.connect(“DBI:OCI8:whatever”, username, password)
dbh.execute(‘select * from whatever’)